projected growth of the economy:
According to the Focus report, published by the Central Bank day 11, growth analysts increased the forecast of the Brazilian economy 2019.
The projected growth of GDP (Schedule) it went from 2,53% for 2,57% no end of 2019.
For the coming years, GDP growth forecasts are 2,5% for 2020 e 2021.
other estimates:
The financial market for 2019 looks forward to a turn of the foreign investor flow. The report forecast to foreign investment entry is $ 80 billion. For the trade balance, the projection is a surplus of US $ 52,24 billion. With the exchange rate for the dollar operating stable at R $ 3,80 per dollar.
Investir em ações pagadoras de dividendos continua sendo uma excelente forma de acumular patrimônio rumo a liberdade financeira.